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Specially designed for 12 strings Beary harpy with signature bears & harps patterns.
*All Beary Harpy 12 strings harp owner is eligible for free Strap buttons installation upgrade upon strap purchase.


Three colors for selection:

  1. light Pink
  2. light Blue
  3. Brown



Available to order now!


現選另加 HKD100 可替你的第一代Beary Harpy 小豎琴安裝琴帶扣呢 =D 

*如非我們Beary Harpy小豎琴需聯絡我們評估可否安裝及另報價格。

Beary Harpy Whatsapp Hotline: (852) 5106 0699




Harp strap

Harp strap color
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